Many dogs and their owners are social creatures. They want to meet other pups and make new friends throughout the day. Two dogs can play together at the park while their owners also get to know each other. However, not all dogs are friendly and eager to play. Some dogs experienced trauma in their past and …
Domain News And Media: Dog Bite
What Happens After A Dog Bite Is Reported
What Happens After a Dog Bite is Reported – Enter The Zinda Law Group Dogs and humans share a long, rich history of companionship. While a dog can be your best friend, it’s still an animal that must be properly loved and cared for. Consult a dog bite lawyer on our team to learn more …
My Friend’s Dog Bit Me: What Should I Do?
My Friend’s Dog Bit Me | Zinda Law Group’s Dog Bite Attorneys Can Help It’s vital to seek immediate medical attention after a dog attack, even if a neighbor’s or friend’s dog bites you. Even minor dog bite injuries can lead to infection, scarring, or lasting illnesses. You may not feel like you’ve been significantly …
Do Dog Bites Have To Be Reported In Texas
Dog Bite Reports in Texas – Are they required? Experiencing a dog bite is a terrifying experience. The first course of action is to leave the aggressive dog’s presence and get to safety. Once there, you’ll want to assess the wounds and get the appropriate medical attention. But once you’re safe and sound, what next? …
Quick Facts About Dog Bites [Infographic]
CALL (888) 979-7521 TO SPEAK WITH A DOG BITE LAWYER FOR FREE Animals don’t interact the same way that humans do, and often their emotions manifest themselves through aggression. Other times dogs are naturally more aggressive than others, or they may be provoked into aggression by external factors. When an accident occurs, the last thing a recovering …
How to File a Dog Bite Report in Waco

Many people consider dogs to be “man’s best friend,” but the truth is that they can inflict serious harm on an individual. While such breeds as pit bulls, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers are perceived as being especially aggressive toward humans, any breed of dog is capable of biting or attacking someone. Dog bites and attacks …
How to File a Dog Bite Report in Tulsa

If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog in Tulsa, it is important to report the behavior to the proper authority. Depending on your jurisdiction, reporting a dog bite may be required by law. The attack may not have been just an isolated incident, and the dog could continue to present a threat …
How to File a Dog Bite Report in Santa Fe
If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog, it is important to report the behavior to the proper authority. Depending on your jurisdiction, reporting a dog bite may be required by law. The attack may not have been just an isolated incident, and the dog could continue to present a threat to others. …
San Antonio Dog Bite Report

CALL (800) 863-5312 TO SPEAK WITH A SAN ANTONIO DOG BITE LAWYER FOR FREE Americans love dogs. More than half of American households own a dog. Though dogs can provide great companionship and love, some dogs are less friendly than others. Some dogs are more prone to biting, which can severely injure humans or other …
How to File a Dog Bite Report in Phoenix

If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog, it is important to report the behavior to the proper authority. Depending on your jurisdiction, reporting a dog bite may be required by law. The attack may not have been just an isolated incident, and the dog could continue to present a threat to others. …