One of the oldest rules in the book is that pedestrians have the right of way. Even if signage is unclear or the pedestrian is jaywalking, the driver of a vehicle should do everything possible to avoid hitting the pedestrian. Roswell pedestrian accident lawyers know what measures motorists are supposed to take to avoid hitting pedestrians and can tell you whether the driver in your Roswell car accident acted negligently. While cities are gradually becoming more pedestrian-friendly, the measures those cities are taking cannot prevent all pedestrian accidents. In fact, increasing numbers of people are being hit by cars each year.
If you or a loved one were a pedestrian involved in an accident in Roswell, NM, talk to a Zinda Law Group Roswell pedestrian accident attorney. Call (800) 863-5312 and schedule your free case evaluation at a time that is convenient for you.
What causes pedestrian accidents in Roswell?
The causes of pedestrian accidents in Roswell seem as varied as the people who are walking. It would be impossible to list them all. Nevertheless, here are just a few of the most common causes of injury to pedestrians throughout New Mexico.
Drinking While Traveling
Drinking and driving harms both drivers and pedestrians. Unsurprisingly, most pedestrian deaths occur during times of year when alcohol is flowing and people are walking: Halloween and New Year’s.
In 47% of car crashes that kill pedestrians, either the pedestrian or the driver had been drinking. In 33% of crashes that kill pedestrians, the pedestrian had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of at least 0.08%, which is the legal limit for driving. In 17% of those crashes, the driver had a BAC of at least 0.08%.
Distracted While Driving
In addition to intoxicated driving and walking, distracted driving can cause drivers to hit pedestrians. Distracted driving involves any activity that takes the driver’s attention off of the road. Such activities can include texting or talking on the phone, eating or drinking, scanning the radio, or using a navigation app on your phone to reach your destination.
A few seconds to do something that seems quite important does not seem like such a big risk to take. But if you take your eyes off the road for five seconds while traveling at 55 miles per hour, you have driven the length of a football field without looking at the road.
Negligent Drivers
Finally, drivers who do not follow the rules of road present a serious danger to pedestrians. Running red lights, going the wrong way on a road, failing to signal, and failing to adjust speed and braking in response to poor weather conditions are all ways that drivers can fail to follow the rules of the road. If the driver who hit you while you were walking caused the accident in one of these ways, tell a Roswell personal injury lawyer.
Who is typically involved in a pedestrian accident in NM?
Anyone can be involved in a pedestrian accident, but certain groups are overrepresented in them. The groups that are especially at risk of being struck by cars include adults over the age of 65, children, and people of color.
Adults Over 65
A significant portion of those affected by pedestrian accidents include older adults. In 2017, 20% of pedestrian deaths and 10% of pedestrian injuries happened to adults over the age of 65 who were traveling on foot.
That being said, most often these accidents are pedestrian-only accidents, which means that a vehicle did not strike the person who was injured. The pedestrians in this age group usually fall due to other conditions, such as ice.
That does not mean that no one is to blame for those accidents. For example, a store’s parking lot could have a dangerous, unmarked curb or low lighting that causes someone to trip. A personal injury lawyer in Roswell can help you decide whether someone else’s negligence caused your accident in circumstances like those.
The statistic for the number of children harmed by cars is troubling: almost 30% of pedestrian injuries happen to children under the age of 15. Children can behave more erratically on roadways when they have not yet learned that roads are dangerous. They might chase after a toy or a person who enters the roadway.
People of Color
A report by the Governor’s Highway Safety Association shows that pedestrians of non-white and Hispanic races are struck and killed out of proportion based on their share of the population. People traveling on foot who were classified as white and non-Hispanic comprised a significantly lower portion of those killed by vehicles than would be expected based on their percentage of the population.

John (Jack) Zinda
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Neil Solomon
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