The simple traffic accident case does not exist. All traffic accidents, regardless of the circumstances that led to it or caused it, can have devastating consequences for the victims. However, when one of the vehicles involved is part of a ridesharing service, such as Lyft or Uber, seeking maximum compensation for your injuries will require you to navigate an additional layer of complications. Hiring an experienced Uber accident lawyer in El Paso could alleviate the burden, allowing you to focus on the aftermath of the accident.
If you or a loved one were involved in an accident with an Uber vehicle, call (800) 863-5312 for a free consultation.
The rise of ridesharing companies and the arrival of vehicles for this type of service is a recent development. Uber, one of the leaders in this area, started in 2009. Therefore, it is not possible to get a complete statistical picture of how ridesharing companies have affected our roads. However, some relevant statistics include:
- In a recent article, a group of researchers concluded that the arrival of ridesharing was associated with a 2-3% increase in the number of accidents.
- In 2019, 32,160 people died in traffic accidents nationwide.
- In Texas, there are approximately 26 deaths from car accidents for every 100 million miles traveled by vehicles.
An important part of every personal injury case is determining who is at fault for the injuries. Generally, the responsible party will be required to pay for the injured person’s expenses. In a typical traffic accident, this analysis can sometimes be relatively straightforward – the driver who rear-ends you while you are stopped at a red light will likely bear most of the blame.
Sin embargo, when an Uber or Lyft driver is involved in an accident, things get a little complicated due to the role of the ridesharing companies. Currently, there is a legal battle over the status of drivers, whether they are employees or independent contractors, which would determine the company’s liability for damages. Ridesharing companies are also insured, in addition to the driver having their own insurance, and the coverage will vary depending on when and how the accident occurred.
Companies like Uber and Lyft have insurance that can cover the victim’s injuries when an accident occurs as a result of the driver’s negligence while working for the company. The coverage of this insurance will depend on the stage of the trip in which the accident occurs.
If the Uber App is Off
If the Uber or Lyft driver is driving and their app is off or inactive, they are essentially just another driver on the road. Uber’s insurance policy will not cover these types of accidents. Ridesharing drivers are required to have their own insurance to cover accidents during this phase.
The driver is waiting for a ride request
If the app is active but the driver does not have a passenger yet, they are considered to be using the vehicle for ridesharing purposes. If the driver has an accident during this stage, Uber will provide some insurance coverage. However, the policy will only be used if the driver’s personal insurance does not offer coverage with a higher or equal value. There are also limits on the amount of damages that the Uber policy will cover.
The driver has accepted a ride or has a passenger in their vehicle
If there is a passenger in the car or if the driver is driving to pick up a passenger, Uber’s insurance coverage will be fully active. At this stage, Uber’s insurance will cover up to 1 million dollars per accident for liability reasons for both the passenger and the driver. The insurance covers the driver, passengers, pedestrians, and property.
Desglosar las posibles coberturas de seguros en estas tres categorías es solo rasgar la superficie de las complejidades que pueden surgir en caso de un accidente que involucre a Uber. Un abogado experto en accidentes con Uber en El Paso podría ayudarle a determinar la mejor estrategia para obtener una compensación de Uber o de la aseguradora del conductor.
El pasajero de Uber
Si usted era el pasajero que resultó herido mientras pagaba por un viaje en un vehículo de Uber, puede tener derecho a ser compensado por las lesiones que sufrió como resultado del accidente. Su caso dependerá de quién sea el conductor responsable del choque. Si es el conductor de Uber, puede exigir una indemnización bajo la cobertura de responsabilidad civil de Uber; si el conductor de Uber no fue el culpable, aún puede solicitar una indemnización bajo la cobertura de conductor no asegurado o subasegurado de Uber.
Chocado por un Uber mientras conducía
Si estaba conduciendo su automóvil personal y tuvo un accidente con un conductor de Uber, su caso probablemente dependerá de la condición del conductor de Uber según se describió en la sección anterior. Si el conductor no tenía la aplicación activa, su demanda puede ser procesada como si fuera una colisión con un conductor común. Sin embargo, si el conductor tenía un pasajero en el vehículo, puede presentar una demanda que cubra el seguro de Uber.
Peatón golpeado por un conductor de Uber
Los peatones que son atropellados por conductores de Uber están en una posición similar a la de los conductores que tuvieron este tipo de accidentes: la cobertura de Uber será válida si el conductor estaba transportando a un pasajero, pero probablemente no si el conductor tenía la aplicación inactiva. Incluso si el conductor tenía la aplicación activada pero no tenía una solicitud de viaje, Uber puede argumentar que ellos no comparten la responsabilidad y que no deberían ser obligados a pagar por las lesiones.
1. Reportar el accidente a la policía y a Uber
Después del accidente, repórtelo a las partes correspondientes. Primero contacte a la policía y pida a un oficial que haga un reporte de la escena. Dependiendo de su accidente, esto puede ser requerido por la ley. También puede ser útil que un oficial cree un informe policial con su información mientras que la tiene fresca en la mente. Reportar el accidente a Uber también es importante porque puede solicitar una compensación a su póliza de seguros más adelante.
2. Documentar el accidente
As time passes from the accident, your memories will become more blurry. You should document the important details of the accident before leaving the scene. This includes taking photographs of all vehicles involved in the crash from various angles. You should also speak with witnesses who may have seen how the accident occurred and ask them what happened, as well as request their contact information.
3. Seek medical attention
Even if you believe you escaped the accident without any real injuries, you should seek medical attention for various reasons. First, the adrenaline after the accident may be masking the pain of your injuries. There are certain injuries that do not show symptoms immediately. A medical professional may be able to detect these injuries and prevent them from worsening. Going to a doctor also has a secondary purpose: establishing a link between the accident and your injuries. The sooner you visit a doctor, the stronger this link will be.
4. Speak with an Uber accident lawyer in El Paso
You may feel confused about how to proceed after the accident. You may have been contacted by other drivers and insurance companies with conflicting information or who are telling you things that seem incorrect. Speaking with an Uber accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident will help you preserve your case and could give you the best possible chance of receiving the maximum compensation available for your injuries.
Your Uber accident case will not last forever – in Texas, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit for a traffic accident is two years from the date of the accident. You will have two years within which to file your lawsuit. If you do so after the expiration date of the statute of limitations, you will not be able to receive any compensation. There are certain exceptions to the general rule of the statute of limitations, such as if the victim was a minor when the accident occurred or when the injuries do not appear until much later after the collision. Speaking with a lawyer as soon as possible after the accident is the best way to avoid problems with the legal deadline.
Los accidentes de tránsito pueden ser situaciones traumáticas. No debería preocuparse por poder pagar una representación legal tras un accidente. Nuestros abogados en El Paso trabajan con honorarios contingentes, así que no nos deberá pagar ni un centavo a menos que ganemos su caso. Esa es nuestra garantía sin cobros por adelantado. Si usted o alguno de sus seres queridos quedaron involucrados en un accidente con un vehículo de Uber, llame al (800) 863-5312 para hablar gratis con un abogado.
John (Jack) Zinda
Fundador / CEO
Más de 100 años de experiencia combinada representando a víctimas lesionadas en todo el país.
Disponible 24 / 7|Consulta gratisNeil Solomon
Los resultados reales importan. No nos paga a menos que ganemos su caso.
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