Join the Zinda Law Group team as it discusses the nuances of working with expert witnesses. Having an expert on your side can often make or break your case. The team discusses how to find the right experts, how to help manage the costs of those experts, techniques on impeaching the opposing party’s experts, and some advice for new attorney’s on how to handle experts in their own practice.
Jack Zinda is joined today by his law partners, Joe Caputo and Neil Solomon, one of the firm’s all-stars, Chrissy Hagen, and Zinda Law Group’s Brand Manager, Kelsey Balzli.
Today the Zinda Law Group team continues its discussion on how to handle some of the most difficult types of cases to win. Some examples include ATV Cases, Accidental Shootings, Drownings, Fire, & Gas Explosions. The team discusses how to establish a clear fault, the nuances of source recovery, as well as the use of expert witnesses.
Jack Zinda is joined today by his law partner, Burgess Williams, as well as one of the firm’s all-stars Neil Solomon, and Zinda’s Brand Manager, Kelsey Balzli.
Today the Zinda Law Group team discusses how to handle some of the most difficult types of cases to win, including government claims cases and police brutality. Why are these case types so difficult to win? How is suing the government different at the state and federal level? And what tactics are different when developing a discovery plan?
Jack Zinda is joined today by his law partner, Burgess Williams, as well as one of the firm’s all-stars Neil Solomon, and Zinda’s Brand Manager, Kelsey Balzli.
Today the Zinda Law Group team discusses how to handle cases involving injuries suffered on a construction site. What are the most common types of injuries sustained working in construction? What sort of regulations should you be looking at to site fault during a workplace accident? What does a typical discovery plan look like pre-litigation?
Sharing their thoughts and experience with Jack and Kelsey about their approach to these difficult cases are two of Zinda’s top Trial Lawyers, Burgess Williams & Christina Hagan.
Today the Zinda Law Group team discusses Traumatic Brain Injury Cases and the best methods for approaching them. How can you tell the full extent of the injury? How has the science behind TBI changed in recent years? How do you get an accurate picture of the client’s health and behavior? Trial lawyers Burgess Williams and Chrissy Hagan share their thoughts and experience with Jack and Kelsey about this interesting and sensitive topic
The Zinda Law Group team discusses one of the biggest challenges that attorneys face as their practice starts to grow: how do you manage a team of lawyers working with you? Sharing their thoughts and experience with Zinda Law Group founder, Jack Zinda, about some of the challenges and tactics they use to help manage the team are Christie Feyen & Cassandra Pillonel.