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Dangerous and far too common in the United States, car accidents may be caused by a variety of reasons. Left-hand turns are among the most dangerous maneuvers performed while driving; they are especially dangerous due to the fact that a driver must turn perpendicular to oncoming lanes of traffic and cross in front of them. If a driver fails to properly check to make sure they can safely perform a left turn, an accident may occur, often resulting in serious injuries from the force of a vehicle striking the side of the vehicle head-on.
If you have been injured in an accident caused by a vehicle improperly making a left turn, contact an experienced Colorado accident attorney from Zinda Law Group as soon as possible at (800) 863-5312. The initial consultation is free, and if we are not able to win your case, you will not owe us anything.
Turning left is one of the most common causes of car accidents throughout the United States each year. Indeed, about 22% of the approximately 6 million car crashes nationwide each year are caused by left-hand turns. To put this statistic into perspective, only about 1% of crashes annually involve vehicles turning right. What makes left turns so dangerous is the fact that in order to turn left, drivers must cross the oncoming flow of traffic.
A driver seeking to turn left needs to have an unobstructed view of approaching traffic to be sure there are no oncoming vehicles nearby that present an immediate hazard before they attempt to turn. Turning on a hill or near a curve can be especially dangerous, as the driver seeking to turn may have a limited view of oncoming traffic. Often, drivers may adequately check for oncoming cars, but misjudge the speed of the oncoming vehicles; this results in the driver turning even though it may not be safe to do so, resulting in an accident.

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
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Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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