Texas Children’s Hospital has reported that injuries kill or disable more children over the age of one each year than all known childhood diseases combined. And according to the World Health Organization, more than 2,000 children die every day from injuries that could have been prevented. These statistics are great cause for heartache and concern as we strive to keep our children safe from harm. Some of the most common causes of injuries include:
- Car accidents
- Playground equipment
- Falls
- Fireworks
- Household fires
- Swimming related-accidents
- Ingesting household products
Many injuries can lead to severe, lifelong disabilities, yet one area that does not result in lasting physical injury can result in a lifelong disability. What is this injury? Bullying. It has become epidemic in the United States and is of grave concern to most parents. In addition to treatment for scrapes, cuts and bruises from being jostled around when physically bullied, bullying can also result in mental and emotional problems that persist into adulthood. According to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry (Vol 70, No 4), bullying in childhood can have profound effects on mental health far into adulthood, and the effects are particularly prevalent among youths that are involved in bullying as both perpetuator and victim. The findings of the study are startling. Children who are bullied are:
- 26.7 times more likely to develop fear of public places (agoraphobia) if female
- 18.5 times more likely to have suicidal thoughts and ideation if male
- 14.5 times more likely to develop panic disorders as adults
- 4.8 times more likely to experience depression
- 4.1 times more likely to antisocial personality disorder if child is the bully
Attractive Nuisances
Attractive nuisances are another area of concern for child injuries. Many families have pools in their yards for recreation and fun. Unfortunately, they also prove to be an attractive nuisance (anything on your property that might attract children into danger or harm is considered an attractive nuisance). Children are particularly susceptible to attractive nuisances as their reasoning powers are not fully developed and they often don’t realize that danger lurks. Examples of an attractive nuisance include pools, spas, ponds, stock ponds, hammocks, skate board ramps and trampolines. If you have any of these attractive nuisances in your yard, take care to secure them properly to avoid placing a child in harm’s way. If your child was injured by an attractive nuisance, or died due to an unintentional drowning or smothered in a hammock, then you have the right to bring a claim for damages under Texas law.
Child Abuse
Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child or children. The Centers for Disease Control defines child abuse as any act or series of acts that results in harm, potential harm, or threat of harm to a child. In the United States, neglect is defined as the failure to meet the basic needs of the child including food, clothing, housing and access to medical care. The statistics are discouraging, with the United States ranking lowest among industrial nations with respect to the well-being and care of children. There are 3.3 million abuse hotline referral calls made annually affecting one out of every ten families.
Child abuse takes place in four major categories: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.
Neglect is the failure of the parent or caretaker to provide the necessities of living such as food, shelter, medical care, clothing or adequate supervision to the degree that a child’s health or safety are threatened with harm. Neglect can also come in the form of lack of attention or lack of love and nurturing. Signs of neglect often include frequent absences from school, the child is often dirty or bedraggled and lacks sufficient clothing for the weather, begs or steals food, and lacks medical or dental care.
Neglected children often experience delayed physical and psychosocial development, resulting in impaired neuropsychological functions that include executive function, processing speed, language, memory, attention, and social skills.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is physical aggression directed at a child by an adult causing physical injury such as bruising, scratching, breaking bones, lacerations or burns. Repeated mishaps and rough treatment, multiple injuries, or broken bones at different stages of healing raise suspicion of child abuse and warrant further investigation. The Human Rights Committee of the United Nations has stated that the prohibition of degrading treatment or punishment extends to the corporal punishment of children and twenty-two countries have banned the use of corporal punishment of children.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is any psychologically abnormal behavior aimed at a child including harsh criticism, denigration, coarse or rude attitude or insults, loud yelling, routine humiliation, destruction of personal property, or the torture of killing of a beloved pet. Victims of abuse will often try to protect themselves by distancing themselves from the abuser or internalizing abusive words. Emotional abuse often results in learned helplessness, abnormal or disrupted attachment development, self blame and an overly passive personality.
Sexual Abuse
The sexual abuse of children is child abuse when a sexual act with a child is intended for physical gratification or financial profit of another. It is also abuse when an adult or older adolescent abuses a child for sexual stimulation. In addition, the urging or pressuring of a child to engage in some form of sexual act is abuse including the act of indecent exposure, the display of pornography, or any form of viewing or sexual contact with the child or their genitalia.
Child abuse can cause many psychological problems including nightmares, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, depression, self esteem issues, addictive behavior, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder to name just a few. Unfortunately, children who have been abused often have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships as adults due to the lack of attachment they experienced in their childhood
Zinda Law Group Can Help You
Whether your child has been injured in a car accident, in a swimming accident or was the victim of bullying, the attorneys at Zinda Law Group can help you. We can negotiate with your insurance company for a settlement, get your child’s medical bills paid, or intervene with the school district to stop the bullying. Call us at (800) 863-5312 and let us start helping you and your child today.

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
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Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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