Do you have the right to sue someone after a ski accident? The answer may surprise you. Your right to pursue a civil case against the party liable for your recent ski accident depends on the nature of your accident. If you can prove that your accident resulted from another party’s negligence, you can, in fact, demand compensation for your losses in civil court.
You can work through your right to file with a ski accident attorney in Tucson, AZ. Zinda Law Group can connect you with a representative who can prioritize your recovery without letting your case’s statute of limitations slip you by. Together you can investigate your accident and bring forward the evidence you need to outline your right to compensation.
If you’re ready to meet with an Arizona personal injury lawyer, contact Zinda Law Group. We can set up your free, no-obligation case consultation within a few days of your initial accident.
When to Take Action After a Tucson Ski Accident
You have the right to file a personal injury claim after a ski accident under a specific set of circumstances. First, you have to prove that your accident stemmed from another party’s negligence. Then you have to outline the total value of your accident. You then need to present Arizona’s civil courts with all of this information within your case’s statute of limitations.
Arizona’s statute of limitations, Arizona Revised Statutes section 12-542, gives you no more than two years after a ski accident to submit a completed claim to its civil judges. If you can’t compose a compelling argument within that two-year period, the courts may not allow you to proceed with your civil case.
You don’t have to teach yourself civil law while you’re recovering from a ski accident, though. If you want to file a personal injury claim, you can do so alongside the ski accident lawyers in Tucson, AZ. Our team can look into your losses while you meet with doctors and discuss what means you can use to get your life back on track.
How to Take Action After a Ski Accident
As mentioned, you have certain responsibilities that you need to uphold if you want to file a personal injury claim after a ski accident. These responsibilities require you to:
Assign Liability for Your Losses
Who bears the liability for your ski accident? That depends on the nature of your accident. If you get into an accident with another person and believe that person purposefully endangered you, that party may be responsible for your recovery.
Alternatively, accidents caused by poor slope management or poorly-maintained trails may see fault for your losses fall onto an institution’s head. This possible diversity of liable parties makes it particularly important for you to investigate the nature of your crash. You must have evidence of liability on hand if you want to name another party responsible for your accident.
Calculate Your Case’s Value
You need to determine what kind of settlement it is that you’re pursuing before you submit a personal injury claim to Tucson’s civil judges. Fortunately, you can work with a Tucson ski accident attorney to calculate the total value of your case. We determine the sum of your economic and non-economic losses by assessing the evidence available at the accident scene.
You can specifically base your demand for compensation on the total value of ski accident-related losses like the following:
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- Stress
- Mental anguish
- Post-accident emergency care and related medical expenses
- Pain management and mobility aids
- Property damage and the cost of replacements
- Lost opportunities for work or to return to your place of employment
Contracts, Product Malfunctions, and Ski Accident Liability
As mentioned, the nature of your ski accident can change which party you can hold liable for your losses. There are specific circumstances that may even see you hold a corporation or ski resort responsible for your recovery instead of an individual.
Corporations, for example, can take the blame for ski accidents stemming from inappropriately-tested equipment. Our team can investigate any recalls on the equipment you used, as well as pre-existing precedents addressing similarly-damaged products. We can name that manufacturer liable for your losses if we find evidence of corporate-wide negligence.
Similarly, ski resorts owe you a duty of care built around their responsibility to your overall well-being. Some ski resorts may have you sign a waiver stating that they don’t bear the responsibility for any accidents you suffer on their property, but those waivers don’t always hold water.
We can investigate any relevant waivers and take a resort to court if the situation calls for it.
Choosing How to Move Your Case Forward
No two ski accident cases have to play out the same way. So long as your claim moves forward, you have the right to request a certain means of proceeding. For example, if the party liable for your losses owns some of that fault, you may see great success in private settlement negotiations.
That said, belligerent or uncooperative liable parties may find themselves better suited to time spent before a civil judge. You can work with a ski accident lawyer in Tucson to determine what means of fighting for compensation best suits your circumstances.
Let Our Ski Accident Lawyers in Tucson Represent Your Best Interests
How can you recover from a ski accident? You can discuss your road to recovery with the ski accident attorneys in Tucson. Zinda Law Group can represent your best interests as you fight for the post-accident compensation you need to recover. At the same time, we can help you hold the party responsible for your accident accountable for their negligence.
You can schedule a free case evaluation with our team within days of your ski accident. Contact us through the Zinda Law Group website or by calling our office. We operate on contingency, so you never have to worry about legal fees in addition to the expenses tied to your recovery.
Learn more about the services our personal injury lawyers offer ski accident survivors in your position today!

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation
Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation