CALL (800) 863-5312 to speak with carlsbad truck accident lawyers for a free case evaluation
Truck accidents cause and present a lot of challenges; they can cause minor injuries, severe injuries, or even death. Making matters worse, truck accidents are complicated; therefore, it is sure to be helpful for you to start your recovery by contacting the Carlsbad truck accident lawyers at Zinda Law Group who will consult with you for free about the best strategy for pursuing compensation.
Our Carlsbad truck accident lawyers have worked with victims of truck accidents and have helped thousands of clients file claims when they have been affected by truck accidents. Our Carlsbad truck accident lawyers will provide you expert legal advice while working diligently to reach a fair and just resolution of your claim. We have the knowledge and resources necessary to help you seek maximum compensation for medical bills, lost income, property damage, pain and suffering, and all the other ways your injury has cost you.
What do i do after a truck accident?
Here are a few steps you can take after a truck accident to make the process of seeking compensation and help for any injuries as easy as possible:
Seek Medical Attention
After suffering any accident—whether it involved a commercial truck by itself or it was a multi-vehicle collision culminating with an 18-wheeler impacting many passenger vehicles—the best thing to do is to seek medical attention by going to a hospital. Even mild or minor injuries need to be evaluated by a medical professional. Get official records of your injuries from medical staff to use as evidence in your case, for you want to receive maximum compensation.
Report the Accident
Contact law enforcement as soon as possible. The police play another important role in documenting the accident by filing an official report. This report can be very helpful later when filing a personal injury claim.
Document the Scene
You need evidence to prevail on your claim. Do everything you can to document the scene of the crash in case you forget important details later. This can include simple tasks such as taking pictures or getting names and contact information of any witnesses.
Call a Carlsbad truck accident lawyer
Opposing parties and insurance companies sometimes take advantage of injured victims. If a truck has hit you, the best way to make sure you are treated fairly and receive fair compensation is to hire an experienced attorney, one who has handled many personal injury cases involving collisions with trucks.
Truck accident statistics
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, in 2018, 5,096 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes. The data shows that fatal crashes and truck accidents have continued to have a steady increase over the years. Although fatal crashes involving these large vehicles have increased by 48 percent since 2009, the 2018 number is still 3 percent lower than the peak rate of 5,231 recorded in 2005.
Unfortunately, there is no new data for 2019 and 2020. Hopefully it will be added soon.
Common reasons for truck accidents
Negligent operation of the truck is one of the most common reasons for trucking accidents. Others include:
- Fatigue
- Speeding
- Failure to Brake
- Rear-ending
- Bad Weather
- Failure to see the vehicles on the road
- Unsecured Cargo Items
Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of collisions involving large trucks. If you have been rear-ended by a truck in Carlsbad, a lawyer who specifically deals with truck accidents will work hard to help you receive maximum compensation.
Read more: How to prevent truck accidents.
Common truck accident injuries
With any type of accident, whether truck or car, injuries may vary. Because of the size, weight, and force of a commercial truck on the road, the injuries in trucking accidents are often life-changing and severe. Truck accidents can yield minor, mild, or severe consequences; some of the common injuries that may occur after a truck accident include the following:
- Back and neck injuries
- Head injuries
- Broken bones
- Spinal injuries
- Brain injuries
- Cuts/scrapes
- Bruises
- Internal injuries
- Emotional trauma
- Fatality
- Wrongful Death
How to file a claim?
Filing a claim with insurance companies can be confusing; it can also be overwhelming, especially if much of your time and energy is needed to recover physically from injury. Thankfully, there is help for getting through the process of filing a claim for your truck-related accident.
Call a Carlsbad Truck Accident Lawyer
In any personal injury accident, especially a truck accident, you may want to consider consulting an attorney. Trucking companies have teams of attorneys working for them, in their favor, and they will likely act quickly and aggressively to try and avoid liability. Having an experienced attorney on your side is the best way to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of; a Carlsbad truck accident lawyer will be able to make sure that you are treated fairly in your pursuit of maximum compensation.
You must initiate a prompt and thorough investigation into the truck accident in order to gather valuable evidence to prove your claim. You want to gather the physical evidence resulting from a truck accident while it is still fresh. An attorney can play a special role by conducting this investigation; they will know how to interview witnesses, review and analyze documents, and whether to hire any experts.
Case Settlement
Often the insurance provider for the trucking company will offer the victim of an accident a monetary amount if the victim agrees to stop pursuit of further legal action. It may seem expedient to accept this offer; however, these settlement offers are often minimal and inadequate. An experienced Carlsbad personal injury attorney whom you have hired will be able to provide advice about whether you should accept a settlement offer or negotiate further.
Determining fault
Statistically, truck drivers are to blame for many of the trucking accidents that occur on the road. However, there can also be multiple parties who are liable for a truck crash, including:
- The truck driver
- The trucking companies
- The truck maintenance company
- The shipping or loading company
- The passenger vehicle driver
State and federal laws regulate truck accidents, and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration determines and enforces trucking laws and regulation. In order to establish negligence, the injured person needs to show that a truck driver or trucking company owed a duty of care to other motorists, breached that duty, and caused harm to another driver.
What If I Was Partially at Fault?
There are times when both the truck driver and the passenger vehicle driver are both considered “at fault.” When you bear some of the responsibility for the trucking accident, you may be held liable for your percentage of fault; this is known as comparative negligence. Each state handles comparative fault differently, but usually the amount you can ultimately seek is reduced by the percentage you are to blame.
If you have been involved in an accident with a truck in Carlsbad, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries or property damage. This includes economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are easier to calculate than non-economic damages, but both can be substantial.
In Carlsbad, New Mexico, you may be owed compensation for the following after a truck accident:
- Past and future medical expenses: ambulance fees, doctor visits, hospital bills, surgery, physical therapy, prescription medication, or medical equipment, such as wheelchair or crutches
- Past and future lost income: income lost due to missed work or earning power
- Loss of limb or a permanent disability
- Wrongful death
- Damage to your vehicle or other personal property caused by the accident
- Pain and suffering: physical, mental, or emotional distress caused by your injuries
- Loss of consortium: if you have lost a spouse or a family member, for the loss of benefits or companionship of the injured person
statute of limitations
Time is always a critical consideration if you are thinking about filing a claim for compensation after suffering injuries in an accident. Each state has what they refer to as a statute of limitations. This is a time limit that the state places on your ability to file a legal claim.
In Carlsbad, New Mexico, you will be concerned with your state’s limitations on personal injury or wrongful death claims, depending on the circumstances of the accident. In order to determine your state’s statute of limitations for your claim, you can consult with an accident attorney in Carlsbad, NM, or even do a quick search on the Internet. Failing to bring a claim within the appropriate New Mexico timeline could bar your claim, so be sure to contact a at Zinda Law Group as soon as possible after your accident.
Get help immediately from our carlsbad truck accident lawyers at zinda law group
After the tragic experience of truck accident, opposing parties and insurance companies sometimes take advantage of grieving victims. It is probable that the truck company could have a team of attorneys working in their favor, and they will act quickly and aggressively to try and avoid liability. If you have been involved in a truck accident, the best way to make sure you are treated fairly and receive the maximum compensation due to you is to hire an experienced Carlsbad truck accident lawyer; Zinda Law Group truck accident attorneys believe we have the knowledge and resources to help you.
contact the truck accident lawyers of zinda law group in carlsbad today
Zinda Law Group also believes that a family who is suffering from a truck accident should never have to worry about their ability to afford excellent legal representation. A Carlsbad truck accident attorney will be there to fight for you.
We offer 100% free case evaluations, and you will pay nothing unless we achieve a favorable judgment, or verdict for your personal injury case: it’s our No Win, No Fee Guarantee. Contact us at (800) 863-5312 today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help if you have been in a truck accident.
Meetings with attorneys are available by appointment only.
Our Awards
AWARDED TO JOHN C. (JACK) ZINDA (2009, 2011-2012, 2014-2021), & NEIL SOLOMON (2020-2021)

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation
Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation